Alican’s Diary

Nehi̇r Aydin Gökduman

Alican’s Diary



Alican, who learned from his experiences, shares them with everyone. Love, friendship and brotherhood gush out from the pages of his diary. In books full of adventure; Cooperation, love for animals, solidarity, research, respect for elders, forgiving, keeping one’s word, protecting nature, not mocking, being brave, not lying and many other virtues are explained in Alican’s language.

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  • Publisher: Damla Publishing
  • Type:Non-Fiction
  • Genre:Adult
  • Author(s):Nehi̇r Aydin Gökduman
  • Illustrator(s):
  • Pages: 480
  • Size:13,5x21cm
  • Cover:Coated Paper
  • Barcode : 9786053831303
  • Original Name:Alican'ın Günlüğü
  • Original Language:Turkish

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