This book is written with the aim of countering the goals of global powers, who sow the seeds of discord in areas such as atheism, deism, Turkish-Kurdish-Arab, Alevi-Sunni-Shia, secularism-anti-secularism, right-wing-left-wing, etc. They aim to destroy our national values, which are the cement of our social fabric, through terrorist organizations such as FETÖ, ISIS, PKK, PYD, YPG, DHKP-C, thus fragmenting and dividing our country and the Islamic geography. The purpose of this book is to contribute to thwarting their goals, ending the bloodshed and tears in oppressed regions, establishing peace and tranquility, ensuring that our flag, the symbol of our freedom and independence, waves over our homeland, and enabling our people to live eternally peaceful and happy lives.

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- Publisher:
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Nazmi Bozoğlan
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 312
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786057094605
- Original Name:Atizm - Deizm
- Original Language:Turkish