Dream Of My Mom

Makbule Özdemir

Dream Of My Mom



I came, I came! I said it was my job to run from place to place… This is a new adventure… First, when I started secondary school, I decided to choose a good school for myself. What the hell! The system’s assignment robot has already assigned me somewhere. I said “school is school” and had to accept it. What happened next? School is not a school, it is an arena of interesting events! How can döner on rice and the treasures of Byzantium come together in a book! Why does one want to be ‘zero’ in life? Aww, why did I torture myself to witness something! I welcome anyone who is curious to share my story.

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  • Publisher: Minik Damla Publishing
  • Type:Non-Fiction
  • Genre:Adult
  • Author(s):Makbule Özdemir
  • Illustrator(s):
  • Pages: 24
  • Size:13,5x21cm
  • Cover:Coated Paper
  • Barcode : 9786059656993
  • Original Name:Annemin Yıldızları
  • Original Language:Turkish

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