The use of marbling, which holds a special place among Turkish book arts, in books has decreased compared to the past. However, examples of marbling bearing the signature of its artist are displayed in the form of paintings, appealing to the aesthetic enjoyment. Neyzen M. Sadreddin Özçimi, the marbling artist featured in this album, is a practitioner who adheres to tradition and produces works in this vein. He learned marbling with all its intricacies within the discipline of our traditional arts under his mentor Alparslan Babaoğlu.

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- Publisher: Biksad Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):M.Sadreddin Özçimeni
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 104
- Size:24x34cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786055551001
- Original Name:Ebru
- Original Language:Turkish