Mehmed Ali Aynî is one of the important thinkers of the last periods of the Ottoman Empire and the first years of the Republic. He worked as an educator for many years; He gave lectures and worked as an administrator in fields such as history, languages, statistics, and Sufism. In this book, Aynî examines in detail the understanding of Sufism in India, Egypt, Greece, Alexandria, Judaism and Christianity, and subsequently the emergence, development and principles of Sufism in Islam. He explains that Sufism is included in all beliefs, that they all have similar aspects and that they all have various educational stages for spiritual education. This work is a profound book that teaches the background of the history of Sufism, shows that many people whose names we often hear and call “philosophers” actually have schools of Sufism, and will change the perspective of those who read it…

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- Publisher: Celik Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Mehmed Ali Aynî
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 296
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786257746977
- Original Name:Tasavvuf Tarihi
- Original Language:Turkish