Social psychology and political psychology work with a very different subject and methodological knowledge, which do not aim to understand the mental state and disorders of society. While psychiatry has theories that take into account the social aspects of the causes and treatments of mental illnesses, it focuses primarily on the individual (a single person) and his disorders. Therefore, in this context, the field that we can call “social mentality” is the subject of all human sciences and has not yet become the subject of any science. This deficiency is precisely why the question “the current state of the population’s mental health or whether it is deteriorating” is so frequently asked in friendly conversations among mental health professionals and in the media. Of course, the fact that scientific knowledge does not yet have a legitimate place does not mean that the need for knowledge of human group behavior has been suspended. Many scientists and thinkers are trying to produce information about human group behavior, as if to fill this gap. The purpose of writing this book lies precisely at this point; To emphasize that one of the defining features of human existence is “group existence”, that this feature of human beings is discussed separately in many branches of the academic world, and that a holistic approach is necessary in this context.

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- Publisher: Vadi Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Erol Göka
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 300
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786055830939
- Original Name:İnsan Kısım Kısım
- Original Language:Turkish