One must be familiar and infatuated with someone to such an extent that if their heart calls sand grains pearls, they should appear as pearls to their eyes. To remain constant on the journey of love and to find happiness, one must be willing to risk everything. It is necessary to swallow what is risked and forget what is swallowed. Love is tested in every form. The lover’s anguish is felt almost like a whimper. The state the burning lover should be in is exactly this. Yearning with the sound of love, a state of asking for love with love itself. Such a whimper that won’t cease until accepted, a state of complaint. Those who give up are unlucky. The luckless are heartless. And the heartless are devoid of love. Remember! The secret rests in silence. Wait. Ecstasy comes with patience and reverence. Listen! Every creature mentions love in its own language. And wait. Knock on the door of emptiness with love, and patiently wait. The secret will soon reveal itself from within.

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- Publisher: Celik Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Hatice Kübra İpek
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 184
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786057916136
- Original Name:Seni Buldum Kendimi Unuttum
- Original Language:Turkish