




The Imaginator, a miraculous device that opens the way for the rulers to sustain their power, offering people paradise on a silver tray in every home. And two groups: those who connect to the Imaginator and sleep, and the sleepless… In this book, DR. presents a dystopian view of Istanbul to the reader. Two sleepless individuals, Sadık and retired physics teacher Orhan, are searching for the meaning/ meaninglessness of life. Uykusuzlar (The Sleepless), a novel written 20 years before today when VR goggles started opening the doors to a new world and moving life into the metaverse universe, describes the near future. Combining a strong plot with powerful predictions, how about looking at the 21st century’s Turkey from DR.’s perspective?

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  • Publisher: Vadi Publishing
  • Type:Non-Fiction
  • Genre:Adult
  • Author(s):DR.
  • Illustrator(s):
  • Pages: 200
  • Size:13,5x21cm
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Barcode : 9786059114622
  • Original Name:Uykusuzlar
  • Original Language:Turkish

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