Sometimes a person gets so stuck and overwhelmed that he wants to leave the world behind with all its messes and sail to different states, different worlds. The troubled mood that he thinks he can get rid of by moving from city to city, country to country, is actually the need to escape from the concrete world. This problem, which cannot be solved by traveling around, can sometimes be solved by moving from one room to another and resting on a prayer rug for a few minutes. The person who can do this has moved not to another city, but to another world. He traveled long distances, not short ones. Does a person need to communicate with his family and loved ones, but not to establish a relationship with his Creator? Turning to Allah, remembering and remembering Him is the most vital need of the human soul. When a person tries to satisfy his need to connect to God by becoming attached to pleasures, people and things, the hunger in his heart and the emptiness in his soul gradually grows. Sometimes a person gets attached to hundreds of things at once, but he cannot quench the thirst in his soul even a little…

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- Publisher:
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Mecit Ömür Öztürk
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 140
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786057164070
- Original Name:İçebakış Fragmanları
- Original Language:Turkish