This book challenges the validity of a secularization-centered historiography by addressing existing theses on Islam and Secularism. In this “secularization narrative” secularism is perceived as a progressive and advanced stage. This narrative can only be evaluated by placing secularism as an actor at the center of the story. But there are different perspectives from different corners of the world that reveal a variety of historical possibilities. Indicators measuring the level of secularization are all based on the visibility or invisibility of religious symbols and practices. The author makes a psychological and political interpretive contribution to analyzes of secularization by drawing attention to possible secular motivations behind overtly religious appearances or religious motivations that do not bear any visible religious symbols. Sometimes most religious behavior hides purely worldly motives and intentions, and vice versa. Based on these contributions, the author argues that the processes of religiosity and worldliness should be understood from a cyclical perspective, not with a historical evolution narrative.

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- Publisher: Vadi Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Yasin Aktay
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 328
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786059114288
- Original Name:İslam ve Sekülerleşmenin Kaynakları
- Original Language:Turkish