There was despair in everyone. Civil wars didn’t cease, sibling rivalries didn’t come to an end. Each passing day was darker than the previous one. The days of happiness were long gone. Omer grew up in an environment dominated by strife, war, and chaos. He witnessed everything and eventually came to the rescue one day. But the situation was very difficult. Hearts bound by greed, ambition, and greed stood before him like a wall of steel, trying to impede his progress. Omer had set his goal. He had to end the wars and reconcile the brothers. And weren’t there those who groaned under the overwhelming oppression of injustice? They tore at Omer’s heart. He had to bring them relief as soon as possible. Omer had to reach his goal. Even if death stood in his way, it didn’t matter. He had already decided to face it. The novel of the breathtaking struggle of Omar bin Abdulaziz, the first renewer who extinguished the flames of discord that faced the Ummah…

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- Publisher:
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):İkram Arslan
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 256
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786056843297
- Original Name:Ömer Bin Abdülaziz
- Original Language:Turkish