Sure, here’s the translation: Have you ever been to a mysterious island before? If you haven’t been and are curious about what might happen there, then this book is perfect for you! It all started with three siblings finding a mysterious memory book. Olgun, İsmail, and Vildan embarked on an adventure with an unknown ending. Diving in Ghost Island, the siblings wondered what they would encounter in underwater caves and mazes. Will they experience the events of the “Fear Maze” adventure? Or will they be able to seize the treasure? What do the bees in the glass jar, giant ants, and mosquitoes signify? Will the children be able to decipher what is intended to be conveyed in hologram images? Will they be able to uncover the secret of the energy source that, if fallen into the wrong hands, could destroy the entire planet in an instant? The answers to all these questions and more lie within the pages of the book! So, go ahead, turn the pages, and join the adventure!

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- Publisher: Genç Damla Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Necati Akbaba
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 224
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Coated Paper
- Barcode : 9786254110566
- Original Name:Hayalet Adasının Lanetli Hazinesi
- Original Language:Turkish