I miss him/her so much. I wonder where he/she went. They say, “He/she went to heaven!” They say there are perfect happiness and unbelievable beauties there. It’s a place where there is no pain, sorrow, poverty, or death. It is said that its stones are jewel-like and its sands are made of gold. They say its rivers are made of honey and its seas of milk. They call it paradise. What kind of place is that? Where are my cousin and my grandfather? I am full of curiosity… I really can’t imagine it. Can such a place exist? Yes, it does!.. And I found the answers to all these questions in this book. Come with me to discover the beauties of life happily, peacefully, and relaxed… Well then, let’s go on a beautiful journey together!

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- Publisher:
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Nurdan Damla
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 96
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786057660220
- Original Name:Cennet Nasıl Bir Yer?
- Original Language:Turkish