“Love Begins with Death,” says Murat Başaran. He has found a quite thought-provoking title for a book. What appears terrifying to one person, becomes beloved death to another. The issue lies in perceiving the difference. If you read Murat Başaran, you will meet his style and his sentences woven with contemplative motifs with a mixture of wonder and admiration. (Abdurrahim Karakoç) Murat Başaran skillfully utilizes historical and spiritual motifs. Despite his very simple language, it is poetic and rich… I am expecting many beautiful works from him… (Ahmet Kabaklı) Look, Murat is speaking. He has something to say: Fresh and directed from the last border of reason… I wish all Murats spoke the same way. Loving… is both easy and hard. Dying… is both easy and hard. Beginning… is both easy and hard. But, listening to Murat is quite pleasant. Your moments become more enriched. Suddenly, a ticking clock within you reminds itself, it chimes. Because Murat is speaking. (Gürbüz Azak)

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- Publisher: Mihrabad Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Murat Başaran
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 256
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9786058199125
- Original Name:Sevmek Ölmekle Başlar
- Original Language:Turkish