Mihrabad Publishing

Mihrabad Publishing

Every innovation brings along numerous beauties. Mihrabad Publications, a newcomer to the publishing world known as Bâbıâli, claims and aspires to be a cultural institution that highlights local and national characteristics. Founded on May 29, 2016, on the day of Istanbul’s conquest, Mihrabad Publications carries the approximately 50-year experience and accumulation of Damla Publishing Group in the background, aiming to serve our values.

Our publishing house aims to create a civilization-centered brainstorming with books to be published in the fields of culture, art, history, and literature. We target the “future rooted in the past,” as beautifully expressed by our great poet Yahya Kemal. We strive to establish strong and solid emotional bridges that connect the past with the present and the present with the future. With this publication, which adopts reflecting the intellectual feelings and thoughts of Turkey, the sole refuge of the oppressed, innocent, and victims, as a principle, we believe that we will reach the deserved place among the world nations in the field of culture and publishing.

Bâbıâli continues to be the heart of our cultural life as the center of a magnificent past. Mihrabad will continue to be within and ahead of good, beneficial, auspicious, and lasting works in this vast, deep, and colorful environment.

There are unforgettable words of the past. And these words used to appear in the prefaces of books in the past. Let us remind and repeat one of those words:

“Our effort, God’s help…”

Published by Mihrabad Publishing