Lifetime Happiness

Ragıp Güzel

Lifetime Happiness



Everyone needs happiness. Every man and woman want to be happy at home. This is quite natural. The important thing is to live life consciously. As I receive calls from many countries abroad, all the way to the United Sta-tes, there are also people calling from Turkey, even coming to visit me for advice on family problems. Before marriage, it is a proud beha-vior for our young girls to consult ideas and get information about a peaceful home, espe-cially in preparation for marriage. This work has been prepared in order to lead our young people who are in such a quest.

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  • Publisher: Celik Publishing
  • Type:Non-Fiction
  • Genre:Adult
  • Author(s):Ragıp Güzel
  • Illustrator(s):
  • Pages: 317
  • Size:13,5x21cm
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Barcode : 9786055822651
  • Original Name:Ömür Boyu Mutluluk
  • Original Language:Turkish

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