Men and women develop their skills through marriage… They try to overcome the difficul-ties they encounter together… If the spouses sincerely share their personal interests and friendships, the magnificent adventure called marriage becomes the most beautiful reality in the world. Men and women alike, not to lead a harder, worse life in the past; they get married for a better, more orderly, more humane life. Marriage is the best reward for both men and women. If the spouses approach each other with loyalty, self-sacrifice, and unrequited love in order to obtain this reward, they will achie-ve their wishes. They make each other happy and they will be happy…

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- Publisher: Celik Publishing
- Type:Non-Fiction
- Genre:Adult
- Author(s):Ragıp Güzel
- Illustrator(s):
- Pages: 789
- Size:13,5x21cm
- Cover:Paperback
- Barcode : 9799756457053
- Original Name:Mutluluk Yolları ve Aile Hayatı
- Original Language:Turkish