Saladin Ayyubi

Ebubekir Subaşı

Saladin Ayyubi



The Most Beloved Sultan of the Orient… The great commander who devoted almost his entire life to the recapture of Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa from the Crusaders. Faithful person who says to those who offered to build a palace for him while he was lying in a tent in the desert; “How can I think of a palace when the house of Allah is under siege?”. The victorious commander, Saladin, who conquered Jerusalem in 1187 and ended the 88-year-old Crusader occupation…

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  • Publisher: Celik Publishing
  • Type:Non-Fiction
  • Genre:Adult
  • Author(s):Ebubekir Subaşı
  • Illustrator(s):
  • Pages: 360
  • Size:13,5x21cm
  • Cover:Paperback
  • Barcode : 9786055094447
  • Original Name:Selahaddin Eyyubi
  • Original Language:Turkish

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